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Dental Sealants – St. Andrew’s Dental Centre

There are many grooves, pits and fissures on the chewing surfaces of permanent teeth. Brush bristles ordinarily cannot go onto the depths of these surface irregularities and therefore cannot clean them properly.

Highly effective in preventing decay on the biting surfaces of your chewing teeth, sealants are a simple procedure in which a tooth-coloured material “coating” is painted onto the surface of the tooth by Dr. Angela Morales at the St. Andrew’s Dental Centre in Aurora, Ontario. This can be most effectively done in children when there are newly erupted, caries-free teeth.

Preventative fluorides and dental sealants can help your children remain cavity free.  However, proper oral hygiene along with a good diet and nutrition, play an equally important role in oral health.  At St. Andrew’s Dental Centre in Aurora, Ontario we teach and involve your children so that they can grow cavity-free and keep their teeth healthy and beautiful for a lifetime!

This effectively “seals” the deep grooves where decay is most likely to start.

Sealants are, without a doubt, one of the finest, preventive services that we can provide our young patients. In this process, the grooves in the teeth are sealed by a thin but hard plastic resin coating that effectively decreases the potential for tooth decay as long as they are maintained. Sealants are “painted” on the tooth with a soft brush after etching. They bond to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth thereby sealing the deep pits and fissures of the chewing surfaces (where tooth brushes cannot clean).

With no pain, no shots, no drilling, sealants are radically improving the health of our children and adult patients. The most precious gift we can give our children is good health. At St. Andrew’s Dental Centre, we pride ourselves in our preventive philosophy of dental disease.

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    Office Address

    2 Orchard Heights Blvd #33
    Aurora, ON L4G 3W3